Whistleblower and Compliance Hotline
Your Confidentiality Assured
Welcome to the Enerflex Whistleblower and Compliance Hotline, which is independently managed by a third party, completely confidential, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Enerflex is committed to financial and accounting integrity and ethical business conduct. The Whistleblower and Compliance Hotline allows for the confidential, anonymous submission of complaints or concerns regarding suspected accounting or auditing irregularities or unethical behaviour impacting Enerflex, including, without limitation, breaches of the Business Code of Conduct (including violations relating to harassment or workplace violence), criminal activity, violations of Enerflex policies or applicable securities laws, actions that endanger health or safety or that are likely to cause environmental damage, and actions that have the effect of concealing the foregoing. The Hotline also allows you to anonymously receive information about Enerflex’s response to your concern.
All reports submitted to the hotline are investigated and reported to the Audit Committee or Human Resources and Compensation Committee of the Board, as applicable.
Two Easy Ways to Contact the Whistleblower and Compliance Hotline
By Telephone:
North America: 1-866-296-8654
International: 001-770-659-9018 (or, instead of 001, please dial the applicable outbound international prefix to 770-659-9018 for your jurisdiction).
** All voicemail messages will be electronically altered / disguised to ensure the confidentiality of your identity.
By Internet:
Visit https://www.whistleblowerservices.com/ener for a secured on-line reporting form.
Whistleblower Hotline – Key Points
- Reports to the hotline system should contain as much information as possible (including the relevant location, business unit, dates, and names of persons involved) to permit a thorough investigation, analysis, and resolution. Where reports do not contain sufficient information, the Company may be unable to sufficiently respond to or address the report.
- Because the hotline system allows for the anonymous submission of complaints or concerns, management, the Board, and independent investigators, as applicable, are unable to contact anonymous reporters directly.
- Instead, submitters of anonymous reports to the hotline system must log back into the system (using the 14 to 16-digit code provided by the system) to see Enerflex’s response to the initial report and/or engage in a further, anonymous dialogue with the Company.
- For this reason, any reporter submitting a matter to the hotline is encouraged to anonymously log back into the system.
- While reports may be submitted anonymously, individuals may choose to disclose their identity. In these situations, Enerflex will not disclose the reporter’s identity without their prior consent, except as necessary to investigate the report or as otherwise required by law. At all times, it is Enerflex’s policy to not discharge, demote, suspend, threaten, harass, or in any other manner discriminate or retaliate against any employee or consultant who reports or participates in an investigation regarding, a report to the hotline system in good faith.